The Lotus Lounge Cafe & Bar
Come in for some coffee and sweets! Head downstairs to get something a bit stronger. AFK and RP friendly. All are welcome!
| Hype | Empyrion | Ward 14 | Plot 42 |
Doors Open 24/7, but staffed at the following times:
Cafe : 1:00 - 4:00 PM EST (6-9 BST) Sunday
Bar : 8:00 - Sleep PM EST (1AM BST) Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday
Also make sure to check out my wife's venue!
The Lotus Lounge Staff

Lotus Bleakcliffe
(owner /barista /baker /bartender /carpenter /architect /Luckiest cat in the world)
"The world needs more fat cats"
Lilliana Bleakcliffe
(bartender /photographer /bard /Lotus's wife)
"I'm only here to clean the mess my wife makes. Oh, and to kill with my drinks."

Berry Bleakcliffe
( Bouncer / Maid / Troublemaker / Occasional Bartender)
"What is a Prismriver?"
Rhinaya Solis
(bartender / triple legend / future penta legend)
"Taco Tuesday is so dumb. Why limit yourself to one day?"

Alara Bleakcliffe
(bartender / vampire)
"I don't about quotes, I am just here to help"

( Lawyer / Quality Control / Head of HR )

The Specials
Due to the insistance of one of the owners and the other owners inability to say no to her wonderful wife, we have a few interesting poisons drinks added to our menu. Listed in order of increasing strength! Availability is based on the available staff for the night!
(Note: when drinking the specials you will roll a /random 20. You need above the listed strength rating to survive. If you don't survive /playdead, BLU explode, or RP it)
Strength Rating
The Lilli Special (Unsynced)
Lotus tried her best to recreate Lilli's formula, but can't quite make it as strong as Lilli
The Lilli Special (Normal)
The original recipe that started it all! Lilli put all her talents into crafting this potent brew and was surprised by the results... and bodies it produced!
The Lilli Special (Savage)
For some reason people asked for even deadlier poisons and Lilli was happy to provide them!
The Lilli Special (Unreal)
No one knows how she keeps doing it, but Lilli made her poison even stronger. Only those that concurred the previous tiers should even consider tasting this one.
Now introducing the Lilli Special (Ultimate)
Somehow the Lotus Lounge's cutest cat has made an even deadlier poison.... somehow So deadly in fact that we now have to give some greater incentive to drink it!
only available when Lilli is5,000 gilRules: After drinking the drink, do a /random. If you roll a 666 you survive and win the jackpot! If not..... well, we promise to revive you. Every failed attempt puts 1k in the pot.
Current Jackpot2,000,000 gil
Hall of Fame
This page is dedicated to those that bested the greatest challenge in Eorzea. Harder than any Extreme trial, more brutal than any Ultimate raid, worse then the dreaded Housing (Savage).... they beat the Lilli Special (Ultimate)
The First Bleakcliffe Legend

"Bruh" -Ruru Kin'ree (2022)
The Triple Legend

Honorable Mentions

Silence White, for proving Cure right about 0 being possible in /random
The Lotus Lounge and Cats Meow Halloween Haunt!

Come and join us for a night of spooks, frights, candy, and fierce competition! We will have some goodies for all those who attend including minions (wind-up Chimera) and Halloween candies! Hang out with your favorite witches, ghouls, and vampires at Cammie's Cauldron Corner for spooky drinks! Come in your best costume and enter for a chance to win the big contest! Rules and prizes below!
There is no theme this year, so you can can cosplay as your favorite character, dress up as your favorite meme, or as something cool or cute. Minions and fashion accessories can be used as additions to the costume. Each person or group will be allowed a minute or two on stage to show off their costume or say anything they'd like. The group and solo contests will be judged separately, so let the judges know if you will be joining up with anyone. The judges will be judging primarily based on creativity of the costumes. The restrictions are as follows:1. No offensive or hateful costumes (at the discretion of the judges)
2. No overly sexual costumes (at the discretion of the judges)
3. No modding or other third party tools in violation of ToS
4. Only one costume may be entered per person, for both the solo and group contests. No entering on multiple alts or accounts
5. No staff of the two venues can join the competition
Solo Contest:
The top three winners in the order they place will get to choose fromDodo mount
4 mil gil
Wow emoteGroup Contest:
The members of winning group winning group can each choose two items from what's shown